Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to work!

It is hard to believe that I am at the end of my maternity leave and that my baby girl is almost three months old! I thought that time went by fast with one kid...well, two kids is a different story! I hardly notice the weeks flying by now!

The time spent focusing on my family has really been wonderful. It feels good to have the time to clean my house, make a nice dinner, and to sit down and have a conversation with my husband again. A lot of people don't like Michigan because of the cold winters but I personally look forward to it every year because it forces you to slow down a bit. And, after a long summer of taking photos and editing until the early morning hours, the break is much needed by most photographers that I know.

But, I am getting the creative itch again! So, starting January 18, I will be accepting appointments for portrait photography.

There are a couple of changes made for the 2010 season. The first change is that I now have studio space that I rent! No more studio in my basement! WHEEEWIE! I am very excited about this as I hate putting up and taking down my studio for every session and I feel this new studio will give me a lot of room for creativity. The studio is located downtown Grand Rapids and has beautiful wood floors and nice big windows! I am so excited to work there!

Secondly, I am at a time in my life where I realize that every single day my children are growing and changing and I do not want to miss one single day of it. One of my biggest fears is that I will look back at my life someday and regret not spending time with the people I love the most. So, this year I have decided not to book more than two weddings a month and no more than five portrait sessions a month. This is going to be EXTREMELY hard for me as I hate turning down business. But, I hate not being a good mommy, wife, daughter, sister and friend even more.

So, if you are interested in booking a session or wedding with me, please don't wait to get a date on my calendar! There are a couple of months that are already full and I anticipate the others filling up quickly.

Thank you so much for all of the support I have been given. 2009 was an awesome year and I have so many people to thank for that. I worked with some awesome clients and vendors and consider so many of them now my good friends. I have learned a TON this past year and look forward to 2010 and what it holds!

And lastly, I leave you with some photo's of my kiddo's from last weekend! I am blessed!


Missy January 8, 2010 at 8:49 PM  

I love you Summer Jean! I am so proud of you for putting Ryan, Carson, Stella and yourself on the top of your list. It takes a special woman to realize the blessings God has given you and to not waste a minute with them. Love you tons!

Dan, Pam, and the Boys January 9, 2010 at 6:00 AM  

First of all, you have such beautiful children!!!!
And second, I am so excited for you and your studio! That's awesome, I bet it is a weight off your shoulders knowing you have the space now to do what you want, I am so happy for you Summer!