Friday, May 2, 2008

Calling all 2009 Seniors!

Senior Portraits are a lot fun. I seriously love doing them for a number of reasons. #1-I don't break into a sweat chasing after them like children make me! #2. They are into going and doing just about anything to get a good shot #3. They are just cool and fun to be around.

So, I am offering a Senior Special to get the summer off and rolling.

For every senior session booked before June 2, 2008 (it just needs to be booked, not taken) you will receive 20% off your final order and I will also throw in an additional 20% off any custom graduation announcements!

If you happen to refer someone to me and they book a senior session with me before June 2, 2008 you will be in for a special treat also! I can't give away all my secrets so it will have to remain a surprise.

I also wanted to say "Congratulations" to all of the 2008 seniors that I worked with last year. You all are truly remarkable and I am very proud of you!